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Gasoil and Petrol

Gasoil and petrol are both petroleum-derived liquid fuels used in internal combustion engines. However, they have some significant differences in their properties, uses, and environmental impact.


Petrol, also known as gasoline, is a light distillate produced by the fractional distillation of crude oil. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons with a carbon chain length of approximately C4 to C12. Petrol is primarily used as a fuel for spark-ignition engines, which ignite fuel by using a spark plug.

Uses of Gasoil

Gasoil is primarily used as a fuel for diesel engines. Diesel engines are internal combustion engines that ignite fuel by compressing it to a high temperature. Gasoil is also used in some heating applications and as a solvent.

  • Gasoil: Diesel engines, heating oil, some solvents.
  • Petrol: Spark-ignition engines, some solvents.


  • Density: Gasoil has a higher density than petrol (approximately 0.83 kg/L vs. 0.75 kg/L).
  • Viscosity: Gasoil is more viscous than petrol.
  • Flash point: Gasoil has a higher flash point than petrol (approximately 60°C vs. -40°C).
  • Energy content: Gasoil has a higher energy content than petrol (approximately 43 MJ/kg vs. 47 MJ/kg).

Environmental Impact

  • Emissions: Both gasoil and petrol engines emit greenhouse gases and air pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides. However, modern diesel engines are much cleaner than older models, and the use of low-sulfur gasoil can further reduce emissions.
  • Spills: Gasoil spills can contaminate soil and water, while petrol spills can evaporate quickly and create air pollution.

Why Choose Us?

  • Unwavering Reliability: We have a proven track record of delivering consistent and dependable gasoil supplies, ensuring your engines run smoothly and efficiently.
  • Competitive Pricing: Our prices are carefully calibrated to reflect current market conditions, offering you exceptional value for your investment.
  • Unmatched Expertise: Our team of dedicated professionals possesses extensive knowledge and experience in the gasoil industry, providing you with expert guidance and support.

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Gasoil, also known as diesel fuel, is a petroleum-derived liquid fuel used primarily in diesel engines. It is a middle distillate produced by the distillation of crude oil.

Gasoil is produced by the fractional distillation of crude oil. Crude oil is heated, vaporized, and then separated into different fractions based on their boiling points. Gasoil is collected from the middle of the distillation tower.

There are several types of gasoil, including:

  • Automotive diesel: Used in cars, trucks, and buses.
  • Marine diesel: Used in ships and boats.
  • Heating oil: Used to heat homes and businesses.
  • Biodiesel: A renewable fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats.

Gasoil can be transported by pipeline, tanker ship, truck, or rail. Pipeline is the most common method for transporting large quantities of gasoil.

The production, transportation, and use of gasoil have a significant impact on the environment. Gasoil emissions contain particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides, which can contribute to air pollution and climate change.

The future of gasoil is uncertain. The demand for gasoil is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, but the development of alternative fuels, such as biodiesel and electric vehicles, could reduce the demand for gasoil in the future.

Gasoil is a flammable and hazardous material. It is important to handle gasoil with care and follow all safety precautions.

There are a number of ways to mitigate the risks associated with ordering gasoil, including:

  • Working with a reputable supplier: Choose a supplier with a good track record and a strong reputation.
  • Negotiating a favorable contract: Make sure your contract clearly outlines the terms of the sale, including the price, the quality, the delivery terms, and the payment terms.
  • Purchasing insurance: Consider purchasing insurance to protect yourself against price volatility, supply disruptions, and quality issues.

You can order gasoil from a variety of suppliers, including oil companies, trading companies, and brokers. When ordering gasoil, specify the type, quantity, and delivery location.

Call to order Gasoil

Gasoil, the fuel of choice for modern diesel engines, is essential for powering your operations and achieving your goals. At ARSESS PETROLEUM, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality gasoil at competitive prices.

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